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The Swedish Plus Test

Swedish Plus Test
Forward vs Rearward Facing Car seats

Forward-facing vs Rear-facing in Plus Test

Frontal impact tests show that the strain on the neck is five times greater when the child is sitting forward facing compared to when sitting rear facing.

The Plus Test was founded in 2009 in Sweden as an optional test after studies were conducted on real accidents measuring the stress forces placed on childrens necks. A young childs neck is one of the most vunerable places, with their head making up 25% of their entire body weight, compared to just 6% in adulthood. They found that children cannot withstand forces greater than 130kg to the head and neck. In the Plus Test this force is measured establishing a maximum allowed limit of 122 kg. It stands as the hardest test which exists today and guarantees that your child is not exposed to life threatening forces in a collision.

Where do their legs go?

Axkid One rear facing ipad
Axkid One safest isofix car seat rf to 7 years old
Axkid One 4 years old legs

Wherever they want them to! 😎 Your little ones have incredible flexibility. They can twist and turn in ways that we wouldn't like to anymore. The legroom in a rear-facing seat doesn't bother them at all. Although some of our car seats offer up to 30cm legroom rear-facing! Imagine sitting on a tall stool with your legs just hanging there. Do you let them dangle or find a cozy spot to rest them? Most of us prefer the latter because dangling legs can be seriously uncomfortable and affect blood flow. Rear-facing kids never have to worry about that; they always have a snug spot to rest their little legs. But forward-facing kiddos often end up kicking the back of your car seat, trying to seek some comfort. Don't let myths about their legs influence your decision to keep them in the safest spot in the car for as long as their car seat allows.

Forward vs Rear facing
Joie Stages 6 year old rear facing legs
6 years old rear facing joie stages
Joie Stages ISOFIX 4 years old rear facing
Joie stages isofix rear facing legs
Joie stages isofix rear facing legs

Our Plus Tested car seats

A Plus Tested car seat ensures that your child is not exposed to life-threatening high neck forces in a frontal collision. 

Axkid One 2
Plustest 125cm

One 2

Axkid Move
Plustest 125cm


Axkid Minikid 4
Plustest 125cm
Axkid Minikid 2 (2022/23)
Plustest 125cm

Minikid 4

Minikid 2

Britax Safe-Way M
Plustest 125cm
Britax Max-Safe Pro
Plustest 125cm

Safe-Way M

Max Safe Pro

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